Freedom School is coming to Battle Creek
Freedom School improves students’ odds through literacy
What are CDF Freedom Schools?
Rooted in the Mississippi Freedom Summer project of 1964, the CDF Freedom Schools is a six-week literacy program enhances children’s motivation to read. CDF Freedom Schools has a rich, researched based multicultural Integrated Reading Curriculum (IRC) that fosters children’s love with reading.
Summer Interns Needed
RISE Corp seeks Battle Creek college students who can be Servant Leader Interns for our Freedom School this summer. A Servant Leader Intern serves as the teacher for a maximum of 10 scholars. They are positive role models who serve as facilitators in the classroom and leaders of parent workshops and community outreach activities.
Volunteer Opportunities
Share your love for reading and stories with our students. We seek local adults to read aloud to our students during the Freedom School program this summer, between July 11-August 18. Complete the Volunteer Application in the link below and email it to risecorpprogram@gmail.com.
Learn About Freedom School
Hear about it from people who know Freedom School. Watch the videos below to learn more about the impact that Freedom School can have on our community.
Kyra Wallace remembers how Freedom School built a love for learning in the scholars who participated in Freedom School the last time it was in Battle Creek. Hear more about why she’s excited about its return to Battle Creek.
Watch an interview with Roxie Perry about what she loves about Freedom School from when she participated in the program when it was last in Battle Creek. Learn more about why R Perry believes this program is critically valuable for our community.